Por su interés remitimos el mensaje del colega M. Westerveld dirigido a los interesados en formar parte de un panel referido a la seguridad social de las zonas grises y los extrarradios del contrato de trabajo, y no solamente para los casos de la economía informal, sino también para aquellos otros de contratos de servicios, simulados o no, prestaciones casilaborales, subcontratas tenues, trade, etc. El prof. Westerveld y
su colega Olivier plantean interrogantes sobre las posibles fórmulas de organizar la cobertura de riesgos sociales para estos colectivos, bien desde lo público o desde lo privado. Consideramos muy interesante su exposición de la problemática a tratar en ese panel, que tendría lugar en el marco del Congreso de la Red de Departamentos de Derecho del Trabajo (Labour Law Research Network),Junio 25-27 2015, en la Universidad de Amsterdam, organizado por el Hugo Sinzheimer Institute Amsterdam.
Dear colleagues,
Marius Olivier and I are interested in putting together a panel on the issue of social insurance coverage for workers outside the realm of the employment contract. The matter is especially relevant in countries with a large informal economy (see f.i. the ISSA working paper 2009 about the extension of social security coverage to informal workers), but is has become a major theme in the more developed welfare states as well. The reason for this is that over the years a growing number of workers outside the realm of the employment contract have entered the labour market, some of them truly self-employed and thus independent, another portion would be self-employed or quasi employee (for a more detailed analysis at EU level see Supiot 1999). Casualization and externalisation have also been on the rise – there has been an increased tendency to hire workers on temporary or casual basis, while erstwhile employment contracts have been transformed in other forms of contractual relationships. In addition, complex supply chain work relationships have developed, which defy the traditional contours of the employment contract. In all of these situations one could argue that the labour contract is no (longer) suitable as a device to organise social security for members of the working population who are – or should be considered – part of the target group of labour law. In both situations the question arises what’s to be done. From which side the initiative to organise social security should, could or perhaps has already come: the state? trade unions? alternative unions (ngo’s )? And what do these alternative solutions look like? What, if anything can be learned from initiatives to tackle this global issue?
Possible angles from which the topic might be approached include (but are not limited to) papers on:
* Labour law, quasi self-employment, other forms of work and issues of definition
* Institutional arrangements, as well as grass root initiatives to organise social security
* Special/flexible social security design features aimed at accommodating informal workers
* Independent contractors, workers engaged in other forms of work relationships and unionisation/representation
* Competition law as an obstacle to organise minimum protection
* The social risks of independent contractors, be it truly or quasi self-employed and other categories of informal workers
If you would like to participate in such a panel please contact myself (m.westerveld@uva.nl) with a cc to Ilse Zaal I.zaal@uva.nl
Thanks and looking forward to seeing you all in Amsterdam.
Prof Mr. M. Westerveld
Postbus P.O. Box 1030, 1000 BA Amsterdam
Bezoekadres, visiting adress Oudemanhuispoort 4-6
Leerstoel Sociale Rechtshulp / Chair of Legal Aid
Leerstoel Sociale Zekerheidsrecht / Chair of Social Insurance Law
Universiteit van Amsterdam / University of Amsterdam
B 2.21, Room B 2.21
T. + 31 (0)20 5253318