
Fallecimiento del profesor Roger Blanpain

Publicado el 12/10/16 a las 17:55h

Con gran pesar comunicamos el fallecimiento del profesor Roger Blanpain, a la edad de 84 años, en Lovaina después de una larga enfermedad. el prof. Blanpain fue uno de los fundadores y ejerció la presidencia de las dos grandes asociaciones internacionales relacionadas con nuestra disciplina, la Sociedad Internacional de Derecho del Trabajo y Seguridad Social (SIDTSS, Ginebra), y la Asociación Internacional de Relaciones Industriales (ILERA, Ginebra), ambas patrocinadas por la OIT. Fue autor además de dos importantes obras de Derecho Comparado, y desde su puesto de asesor de la prestigiosa editorial Wolter Kluwers abrió camino a muchos jóvenes y menos jóvenes investigadores y estudiosos del Derecho del Trabajo y las Relaciones Industriales. Y por encima de todo ello, mostró un infatigable amor por estrechar vínculos entre los especialistas de los diversos países del mundo a traves de su infatigable actividad.
IERI se enorgullece de haberlo invitado a intervenir en la Cámara de Comercio de Sevilla, donde brilló con su peculiar simpatía y profundo conocimiento de la materia en el Simposio Internacional organizado por este Instituto sobre «La Concertación social tras la crisis», en marzo de 1989, junto a un conjunto de especialistas de primer nivel de toda Europa (G. Giugni, Ph. C. Schmitter, M.G. Garofalo, J. Gorelli Hernández, F. Liso, U. Zachert, Ojeda Avilés, J. García Blasco, J. García Murcia, P. Pascucci, G. Von Potobsky, A. Numhäuser-Henning, A. Triclin, M. Rodríguez-Piñero, etc.), publicado como libro por la editorial Ariel (Barcelona) en 1989.
Transcribimos aquí las sentidas palabras de uno de sus discípulos, el profesor Hendrickx:

Professor Roger Blanpain died on 11 October 2016
Dear colleagues,
I have the sad duty to inform you about the passing away of professor Roger Blanpain (emeritus professor KU Leuven, Belgium). Professor Blanpain suffered from health problems since quite a while and he ultimately had to give up the struggle. He died in the hospital in Leuven on 11 October 2016. He would have become 84 years old within a couple of weeks.
Roger Blanpain (born in Belgium, Geeraardsbergen, 5 November 1932) studied law at the University of Leuven, Belgium. In Leuven, he obtained his doctoraal degree in law in 1956. In 1957 he obtained a Master of Arts degree at Columbia University, New York.
In 1961, Blanpain became assistant and later professor at the Law Faculty of the University of Leuven where he held the chair in labour law until 1998. His academic work covered Belgian, European, international and comparative labour law.
Besides his teaching, Roger Blanpain took up various functions. He was dean of the law faculty, member of the Board of Directors of the University of Leuven, member of the Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences, and president of the Leuven law alumni-society. He was a Belgian senator between 1987 and 1989.
Roger Blanpain was one of the founding fathers and later president of the International Society for Labour Law and Social Security Law and the International Industrial Relations Association (now ILERA). He was visiting professor at various prestigious universities around the world.
With the passing away of Professor Roger Blanpain the academic community loses one of the founding fathers of international and comparative labour law. Blanpain believed very strongly in studying labour law in comparative perspective and in close connection with broader industrial relations. His publication and contributors list is endless. He is famous for his worldwide scope and reach.
Among his well-known publications can be mentioned the International Encyclopaedia of Laws, a worldwide series of monographs that started with ‘Labour Law and Industrial Relations’. Another reference work is his ‘Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations in Industrialized Market Economies’.
I had the privilege to work with him as a student, an assistant and later as a colleague. Above all, he was a true friend and, even more, my intellectual father. His eternal enthusiasm and energy, his capability of bringing people together, and his personal warmth, are now great memories. Let us keep them in our hart forever.

Frank Hendrickx

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