
Premio Brian Bercusson a tesis doctorales en Derecho Social Europeo

Publicado el 22/05/14 a las 17:40h

El Instituto Sindical Europeo y la Confederación Sindical Europea convocan el Premio Brian Bercusson 2014 a la mejor tesis doctoral en Derecho Social Europeo defendida entre 1 de enero de 2010 y 1 de octubre de 2014. El plazo de presentación termina el 30 de noviembre de 2014.
Desde el IERI animamos a los jóvenes y no jóvenes doctores en Derecho del Trabajo a presentar sus tesis a este Premio, si cumplen los requisitos expuestos.


ETUC – Brian Bercusson Award
‘Submit your research project on European Labour Law by 30 November 2014’

The European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) and the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) have instituted this award in order to honour the late Labour Law Professor Brian Bercusson for his outstanding and most dynamic scientific research work and its high relevance for the European trade union movement.
With this Award, the ETUI and ETUC support an academic research project that deepens understanding of and promotes transnational workers’ rights in Europe. The focus on European Labour Law shall raise awareness about new scientific research in academia as well as among practitioners in the European Union in order to encourage scientific, legal and political actions towards the further development, full recognition and better implementation of trade union- and workers’ rights.

More information:

To be eligible, individual PhD researcher must have successfully defended a PhD research work in the period between 01 January 2010 and 01 October 2014. Thanks to send your applications to

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